
Divers find missing Indiana man's body in lake

BOONVILLE, Ind. (AP) - Authorities have recovered the body of a man who vanished while swimming with his wife in a southwestern Indiana lake.

Divers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources retrieved the body of 41-year-old Jeremy D. Bunker early Sunday after an underwater mobile device located it in the Warrick County lake.

The Evansville man was reported missed Saturday night after he and his 38-year-old wife went swimming after dark in Yellow Banks Lake. Authorities say the pair tried to swim back to shore after they became disoriented and encountered some aquatic vegetation.

Bystanders noticed Bunker's wife struggling to stay afloat and helped her to shore, but Bunker went missing during that rescue.

Indiana Conservation Officers say alcohol is believed to be a contributing factor in Bunker's death.

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