
Trump won't just get 'participation trophy'

I'd like to add to Joni Lindgren's letter of Jan. 9. I'm sure she will agree with almost all of the comments.

As she points out, she cannot tolerate Donald Trump as president because he is illegitimate and she will point out every corrupt lie he has proposed and acts upon. Now I don't mean to be picky, but according to Webster, that would mean he wasn't elected by law. But he was elected by law, one which has existed for over 200 years. he term "get over it" wasn't coined by Donald Trump or the GOP, but President Obama. Remember, "I won, you lost. Get over it ".

I'm sure Joni will complain about President Trump when jobs are brought back to America for union workers to grow and wages to grow. Which haven't in eight years.

I'm sure Joni will complain about President Trump when tax rates are reduced, so she and others can keep more of their earnings. I'm sure Joni will complain about President Trump when infrastructure money is spent on fixing roads and bridges that were supposed to be fixed during President Obama's shovel-ready trillion-dollar spending spree, and weren't. I'm sure Joni will complain when Obamacare is fixed. You know, you can keep your plan, keep your doctor, etc.

Now that I think about it , maybe she won't agree with my comments.But I have a solution. We could give Hillary Clinton a "participation trophy," as that seems to solve all liberals problems.

Richard Francke


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