
Differences are clear

My thoughts: Both candidates have huge egos and are power players on the world scene. They can get away with things that I can't.

Donald Trump, by the words he has uttered, seems prejudiced against Muslims, Mexicans, African Americans, LGBTs and women - especially women.

Hillary seems to be inclusive and complimentary to all of those.

Donald Trump wants to deport millions of immigrants. Hillary Clinton does not. She has a better plan.

Donald Trump's understanding of our military seems shallow and lacking. Hillary is the opposite.

Donald Trump's temperament is too explosive to be our commander-in-chief, who has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. Hillary has the temperament to remain objectively calculated, calm and decisive.

Donald Trump cannot handle dissent from anyone who disagrees with him. He comes unglued and reacts like an adolescent. Hillary has demonstrated calmness with dissent for many years.

Donald Trump wants to build a wall that's not reasonable, practical or even possible. Hillary does not want to build a wall.

Donald Trump says he can defeat ISIS very quickly. I don't believe that's possible without committing massive U.S. troops. Hillary doesn't want to commit massive U.S. troops.

Donald Trump wants to repeal "Obamacare." Hillary wants to change it to make it better.

Donald Trump wants to repeal the Iran Nuclear Deal. Hillary does not.

Donald Trump's financial plan is more like "Trickle Down" Economics and includes isolationism for the United States. Hillary doesn't believe in either of those ideas and does not want to go backward.

I would hold my breath in fear for the words he might utter each time Donald Trump would address our nation or the world. Hillary would handle those situations with ease and appropriateness.

I am endorsing Hillary Clinton.

Dennis McClure


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