
On-the-job training not right for presidency

The people must be made conscious. The presidency of the United States of America is not to be an on-the-job-training position (an apprenticeship, if you will).

It requires a mature politician with intelligence, experience and compassion.

Donald Trump is, among other psychological conditions, an overachiever -- an admitted non-politician. Imagine someone saying I'm not a surgeon, but I'm going to perform your surgery; or I'm not a mechanic, but I'll overhaul your engine; or I'm not a pilot, but I'll "fly this thing."

By the way, Donald Trump, even if President Barack Obama were born on Mars, he would still be more qualified to be our American president than you can ever be in your overachieving attempt to do something you're not-meant to do, and be something you're not-meant-to-be. I think maybe you should ask your Creator what that is -- and may He have mercy on you in "your philosophy" that's causing so much trouble.

I urge Democrats to use the above message for the campaign.

John Mahanna

Rolling Meadows

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