
Tax forum helped determine vote

I recently attended a property tax forum where the individual hosting said "our property taxes are out of control!"

I think we have the highest property taxes in the country, and they continue rising. Do we really have to ask why families are packing and moving across the border, where taxes are much more reasonable? Something defiantly needs to be done.

I, for one, am seeking out candidates who (1) recognize that property taxes are a problem, and (2) indicate they have some type of plan and motivation to do something about it.

By the way, the individual who hosted the forum to try to educate the public on how to fight their property taxes was a very approachable guy by the name of Tim Walsh.

He's running for Lake County Board. He's not a regular politician. He's one of the guys I'll be voting for. Tim's forum gave me some great insight. I like what Tim has to offer us voters.

Ofelia Delgado

Round Lake

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