
Competition is critical to improving education

Regarding Karen Meadows letter of Sept. 25 concerning competitive education, whether she likes it or not, kids compete. She indicated there shouldn't be any competition in education because the children will have enough of that in sports and business. And at what point does that change magically occur?

Waiting until children attend college to make choices only guarantees fewer choices.

This mentality of "everyone gets a trophy" for showing up is nonsense. Why do you think there is a grading system? Although that ingredient seems to be changing as well. No one gets a failing grade anymore.

She is correct in stating that education is paramount to the children's future, but having competitive alternatives is what makes everything better in every facet of life.

Adopting a single, socially engineered solution to education is why we are failing. Choice is what gives everyone a chance at the exceptional.

In this regard, charter schools, as well as other options, like vouchers, opens the spectrum of choice. Let the tax dollars follow the child in their choice of education.

Richard Francke


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