
Thanks for veto of voter registration bill

My goodness, what hostility came from the letter writer about Gov. Rauner attending the Illinois State Fair with his cowboy hat and forgot his chaps.

The writer points out the governor's veto of the voter registration bill sent to his desk shows Gov. Rauner is a GOP rich person coming from the North Shore and is not working on behalf of the people of Illinois.

The writer states, "bill would grant immediate voting rights to anyone obtaining a driver's license in Illinois." The key word "anyone." Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independent or Green Party, poor, middle class, or living in poverty, one is ineligible to register and/or vote if you are not a United States citizen. Additionally, in Illinois noncitizens of the United States that are granted temporary legal entry into the United States and live in Illinois, and ineligible for Social Security number maybe issued a Temporary Visitors Driver's License. Again, key words, temporary and visitors; no voting rights.

So, I am glad that Gov. Rauner vetoed the voter registration bill. The governor showed courage by taking a stand against that bill. Thank you.

I and many others I know also believe that when you go to vote, one must show a driver's license and/or state ID. This shows one has nothing to hide when voting, would weed out any corruption that might be lurking and guarantees one is a United States citizen.

Hey, one has to show a driver's license or state ID when cashing a check, using a credit card/debit card at the time of purchases. And the excuse trying to be played, I cannot afford to get a state ID. Oh yes, you can. Go to the Secretary of State website and you will find the requirements needed to get your State ID - free.

Mary Carbonari

Carol Stream

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