
Parkinson's issue is bigger than Clinton

Some conservative commentators are calling for Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race for president based on rumors that she has Parkinson's disease.

The "evidence" is specious, and the diagnosis provided by a doctor who has never examined her. At the very least, it is "unethical" for a doctor to offer a professional opinion without proper authorization.

To the best of my knowledge, Congress has yet to approve a list of illnesses that disqualify someone from public office.

Where would our country be today if Franklin Delano Roosevelt, paralyzed with polio and confined to a wheelchair, had not been allowed to lead the country to victory through the Great Depression and World War II?

For those of us who live with Parkinson's, this issue is bigger than Hillary Clinton. It goes to the heart of how people with chronic, degenerative conditions are treated in our culture.

Laws that paint everyone with the same broad brush do a disservice to individuals and our country as a whole.

"No man is an island ..." wrote John Donne. We are all members of a worldwide community, and everything we do affects not just us, but everyone else as well.

"For whom is the bell tolling? It tolls for me, it tolls for thee, indeed, it tolls for us all."

Sheryl Jedlinski


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