
'Smart' people avoid smart meters

Beware! ComEd is bringing danger to communities with its installation of smart meters. Perhaps one has already been installed, or perhaps ComEd has not yet reached your community. Here are some facts about smart meters you should understand before you allow ComEd to install a smart meter.

ComEd officials say smart meters offer several advantages. But not so, say knowledgeable individuals who realize that any benefits for the residents are greatly overshadowed by the imminent threat of harm to all living beings and damage to their property.

Concurrently, these meters are a serious threat to the health and well-being of our families and pets, constitute an invasion of our privacy, are a known fire hazard and offer an open invitation to hackers.

Most alarming is that the radio-frequency/microwave emissions from the smart meter are listed by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer as a Class 2B carcinogen.

And, there is no safe level of RF/microwave radiation for children.

Another serious concern involves homeowner privacy. Granular data giving a daily snapshot of the behavior and activities of the residents is transmitted through a wireless network to ComEd and stored indefinitely.

About fire hazards: Hundreds of GE smart meters, the brand being installed, have exploded in California due to a power surge, plus hundreds of other smart meter-related fires have occurred across the nation.

Call ComEd to delay the meters until 2018. Also call your elected senator and representative to request a law allowing a permanent opt-out. Lastly, ask your village or city manager what is being done to alert residents to the dangers of smart meters.

Nancy J. Thorner

Lake Bluff

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