
Fox Valley Habitat to dedicate home in Aurora

Montgomery-based Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity will dedicate its 54th area home at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at 512 S. Webster St. in Aurora.

The public is invited. The ceremony will unveil the future home of Aurora residents Chris and Yvonne Visor and their twin children Jazmine and Jeremiah, 11.

The event will culminate work begun in summer 2014 by hundreds of volunteers, including church and corporate groups and East Aurora High School students in a building trades class students and East's Habitat for Humanity student chapter.

The four-bedroom, two-bath ranch house includes handicapped access.

Ron Kelso, vice chair, Habitat board of directors, will open the program with a welcome and invocation.

Debbi Albright, Habitat director of operations, will read a Scripture passage and introduce the Visor family.

After Kelso leads a group dedication litany, Habitat executive director the Rev. Jeff Barrett will present a family bible to the Visors.

After recognizing donors and supporters, Kelso will present keys to the home to the Visors. He will give a closing prayer to conclude the program.

Refreshments and self-guided tours of the house will close the event.

in addition to contributions from churches, individuals and corporate groups, funding included a $52,608 grant from National Foreclosure Settlement Fund. It was awarded through the Illinois Attorney General's office.

Volunteers and donations are needed to continue Habitat's housing ministry.

Founded in 1989, Fox Valley Habitat partners with working families in Aurora, North Aurora and Montgomery to provide basic, affordable shelter.

Partner families pay for their homes with no-interest mortgages and contribute up to 500 hours of volunteer labor called sweat equity.

Call (630) 859-3333, email, or visit for more information.

Montgomery resident Al Green was among Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity workers who recently cleaned up 512 S. Webster St. in Aurora for dedication ceremonies at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 9. The public is invited. Dedication of the Chris and Yvonne Visor family house will be Montgomery-based Fox Valley Habitat's 54th since 1989. Courtesy of Al Benson
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