
Fiorina the only one who inspires

"Why should we settle for rising unemployment and taxes? Why should we settle for an economy where a record number of men are out of work. Why should we settle for record numbers of women living in poverty? Why should we settle for the reality that our young people no longer believe the American dream belongs to them?" - Carly Fiorina

Aren't you tired? I am. I'm tired of balancing my budget, paying my taxes and watching as the government I elect doesn't do the same. Aren't you tired that things that are promised every election cycle are rarely realized? I am.

Yearly, we go to the polling booth to do our civic duty, to vote. We send people to Springfield and Washington, hopeful that the promises they made are the "real deal" yet the things they promised are never delivered, the problems never solved.

This time around, I'm going to give one of these outsiders a look-see. Carly Fiorina inspires me, she motivates me, and I don't think she promises things she can't deliver.

Yep, she's wealthier than me, but other than the money thing, I'm sure she'll work on the problems America faces: the rising debt, divisiveness, the infrastructure, the porous borders, economy and too many more to list.

Of all the candidates who recognize problems, Carly Fiorina is the only one who inspires me with her solutions.

Annie Nowlin

Round Lake Beach

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