
PC promotes mediocre talent

There was a recent story about a girls basketball team up in Minnesota that was voted out of their league by opposing teams, coaches and parents because they were "too good."

This of course leaves this particular group of young women who have no doubt worked extremely hard to get "too good" with nowhere to play basketball. I guess other coaches should learn from this, if they sense their team is improving and approaching 'too good' they may have to adjust before they beat and/or offend other teams and risk being voted out of their league.

As absurd as that is it is the bigger picture that should concern people. This whole PC habit of never wanting to offend anyone combined with the entire promotion of false self-esteem for our young people is producing idiotic things like this basketball story. I am not sure what the progressive mind set of punishing achievers and promoting mediocrity is supposed to produce in the long run but I am pretty sure we are going to have a lot of very disappointed young adults when they find themselves in the big bad real world where failure comes with real consequences.

Although I am not currently a Trump supporter, I do believe it is stories like above that go a long way in explaining his growing popularity as more and more Americans start to see the results of the modern PC mind set.

I have long heard the refrain that America and other great civilizations throughout history are too big and powerful to be brought down by an outside enemy and can only be destroyed from within. I don't want to over dramatize this young women's basketball story but it is stuff like this and other PC tenants that start the whole 'from within' scenario.

Marc Thomsen

Elk Grove Village

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