
Need D-Day strtegy in war against ISIS

The war on ISIS has touched the entire world. It's time to treat this threat as a global world war and bring together a coalition of world powers to defeat the enemy wherever it operates from.

We are long past the time for limited, targeted responses. What I propose is the coming together of all the major nations of Europe, the Middle East and North America to put together a strategy similar to the D-Day Invasion of World War II.

This force would be led by a coalition of generals and include the USA, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and other Middle Eastern States. Each country would contribute a minimum of 5,000 troops in addition to special ops forces. A supreme command would map out strategy and deploy armies in a coordinated way to attack this so called Caliphate from all sides. Every civilized nation would have skin in the game. The blame game for who is responsible for the ISIS threat has long since passed.

Mark Stuart

Buffalo Grove

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