
Dist. 13 surveying parents, community

Bloomingdale Elementary District 13 is conducting districtwide parent and community surveys Monday, Nov. 16, through Sunday, Dec. 6. The survey is open to parents as well as community members without students in District 13.

"We look forward to hearing from our parents and community," Superintendent Jon Bartelt said. "Parent and community input is extremely valuable to District 13. Your input allows us to continue to support and be responsive to our community.

"I encourage our parents and community members to take advantage of this opportunity."

The survey link for community members without students in District 13 will be available on the district website,, Nov. 16 through Dec. 6. On Nov. 16, parents will receive a personalized email invitation to complete the survey. The survey link will take participants to a third-party website, which ensures responses are kept confidential.

ECRA Group Inc., an independent research firm is conducting the surveys. The company will analyze responses and prepare a survey report for District 13.

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