
Pols playing with pension money?

As the Illinois State Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that pension shall not be diminished as the Constitution states, then why are these politicians allowed to play with that money?

These pensions are invested and have been in the stock market and done so by friends of the politicians, Rham Emmanuel and the teachers pensions for one. And many millions were lost in the 2007 market collapse.

So why should they be allowed to do so? Isn't investing pension money in any kind of place that may lose it, risking a loss and therefore risking diminishing that money? Why should we the people have to make up for pension money lost from bad investments? Just because they are state employees pension funds? Does that seem fair or even right? No one is making up for money lost by everyone else are they?

It's about time they take any pension money and place it in a place that can't lose, or don't risk it at all. We should not have to make up any losses from the investments.

Martin J. Uttich

Carol Stream

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