
The forgotten military heroes of the past

As I sit here thinking of World War II, I wonder about the forgotten heroes of the war.

When the word "Veteran" is used, we all think of men. But, what about the woman veteran?

I know that the service of women in our current history is applauded, because their service is indeed equal to that of men. But, in World War II? There were many women involved in serving their country, but as a whole nothing is ever mentioned.

I am one of the women who served our country in World War II. I am a woman veteran, serving in The Marine Corps. We were called MCWR, that is: Marine Corps Women Reservists. (We were there ready if the need arose for us.) Of course, by the men, we were called BAMS, Beautiful American Marine, although they had a different interpretation.

I had the honor of going on the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. Most of the people did not realize that I, a woman, was a veteran. Most people assumed that I was a caretaker for a male vet.

I have Marine Corps stickers on my car. When they are noticed, I am asked who was in the service, my son or my husband? And when I say that I am the veteran, it is not believed. I am currently looking for a sticker that says "Woman Marine." Can't find one.

Also, I have a friend who paints portraits of veterans. She refuses to paint one of me, because I never served overseas, nor in the war zone.

I don't know the role that women in the military do today. I was thinking of these times and decided to write it down,

Veronica Potter


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