
Gellar, AFDI are brave

In response to Ismail Ahmad and his letter of May 16, I have to ask, where in the Quran do you find that Islam recognizes free speech?

I have never seen in the Quran or read anything about the Quran that would back up what you say about free speech or about truthful dialogue with nonbelievers. Quite the contrary the Quran describes Allah as the "best deceiver."

In Surah 7:99 it states "None deemeth himself secure from Allah's deception save folk that perish." Then in Surrah 9:123 it states, "Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you."

If you are truly appalled by attacks such as that in Garland, Texas, and honestly stand up for freedoms we have in this country, you would applaud the American Freedom Defense Initiative.

Pamela Gellar and her organization (AFDI) were courageous in their attempt to flush out radical jihadists. And you know what? It worked.

Her efforts to educate about and fight against radical jihad in what ever way she can are brave and smart.

I wish our leaders and Europe's leaders were as gutsy and dedicated to wiping out these murderous jihadists as is the ADFI.

Sara Schmidt

Des Plaines