
Buffalo Grove warns residents to be ready for hydrant flushing

There's no need to panic if your water appears cloudy and orange in Buffalo Grove at some point over the next six weeks, but you may want to hold off a bit before washing that load of clothes.

Beginning Monday and continuing through May 21, the village's public works department will be flushing fire hydrants across the community. Flushing will begin at 5:30 a.m. and continue until 9 p.m.

This is an annual exercise for the village, a preventive measure to test out the operation of the hydrants, measure flow, and remove any sediment that may have collected over the previous 12 months.

While the water will remain safe to drink, residents near a hydrant undergoing flushing may see their water temporarily turn cloudy or orange. That can discolor clothing, so residents are advised to check water color before doing laundry.

Any questions? Call public works any weekday between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at (847) 459-2545.

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