
No knowledge of the art of diplomacy

No knowledge of the art of diplomacy

Senator Cotton from Arkansas, Tea Party Republican, and head of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee for only - only - two months, wrote a letter to the leaders of Iran that stupidly attempted to undermine and destroy ongoing delicate peace negotiations led by the United States together with China, France, England, Russia and Japan.

The Senator did not consult the White House and brazenly predicted that any treaty outcome would not be worth the paper it was written on.

In our democracy the president alone conducts foreign policy, not some novice who is wet behind the ears and ignorant of the way diplomacy works. And the senators who signed the letter, all the 47, show little knowledge of diplomacy or the art of governing. As a matter of fact, Senator Cotton's bully diplomacy is only a continuation of a six-year attack by the T-Wing of the Republican Party to destroy President Barack Obama. This group of politicians knows only how to attack and destroy our precious Union and knows nothing about governing. Oh, yes: They seem to look forward to war and its profits rather than peace in the world.

I encourage everyone to contact their congressperson and condemn what Cotton and the group of 47 has done. I omit his title since he shows no respect to our president or the traditions of the Senate. If Cotton pulls another crazy stunt like this again he should be impeached. Shades of Iran Contra.

Thomas Power


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