
Liberals ready to censor Internet

Remember this date: 2/27/2015.

That's the day the United States of America died. The U.S. as we know it is gone.

Now government control of the Internet? Don't believe what they are reporting in the news. The liberals will use this new law to take off the Internet all conservative websites the liberals don't like.

Then the truth is forever gone in this country. There was a saying back in the '60s and '70s that whatever the communists said, you knew the truth was the exact opposite. With all the scandals this regime has perpetrated, this country is gone.

What we need now, the only way to get this country back is a revolution." In the declaration of independence, in the second paragraph, it says, "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government."

When did the people of the U.S. just roll over? Better yet, when did this regime take that paragraph out of the Declaration of Independence?

Mike Sehr

Round Lake Beach

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