
Letter writers hit nail on the head

Letter writers hit nail on the head

I can't remember having read a column and enjoying it as much as I did the "Your Opinion page" on Feb. 2. Having been snowbound for the second day in a row, I have too much time on my hands, and one knows the old saying: "Idle hands, evil thoughts."

However, I promise I won't write anything "evil," but I would like to comment to a couple of articles on that page.

George Reuss, I thoroughly agree with your view, "Weighing in on COD's Breuder Buyout." You hit the nail on the head. The COD Board must think John Q Public fell out of a tree. The fact that they are willing to "buy out" Mr. Breuder's contract when he chose to "retire," smells of an "alternative to termination," which could mar his resume and/or make the board appear as though they made a "bad mistake" by hiring him. I also agree with Phillip E. Ritchey … that is an affront to teachers. That money could and should be better used for the actual education of students - that which the taxpayer so generously supports.

Karen Wagner, your article "The outrage! Social Security Cheats," made me LOL. Although, obviously TIC, it was actually an eye-opener. If only more people would read between those lines.

Lastly, I found it humorous that the column following Ms. Wagner's was entitled "Obama's Insane Spending must stop." By now everyone must "know" that President Obama is directly responsible for the Breuder buyout and the Social Security cheating … and why not? He's the reason for ALL the problems in the world, isn't he? Well, according to "The Donald," he was even responsible for the Super Bowl results. Unreal.

Marie Zavoli

Glendale Heights

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