
U.S. in trouble, and Obama fiddles

U.S. in trouble, and Obama fiddles

Our world that we live in is in such turmoil and President Obama and his administration are acting like Nero, who was "fiddling while Rome burned."

Yemen is fighting a coup, Isis is on the move in more places, Iran is playing games with us on their nuclear program talks, Iraq is home for Isis, Syria is a war zone. Afghanistan will be another disaster like Iraq if we don't take care of business there with a contingent of troops after we leave.

Christians are being murdered and we're doing nothing to help them. The Kurds want arms, ammo and equipment to fight and we're ignoring their requests. Boko Haram is on the rise in Nigeria and Putin is signing nuclear reactor treaty with Iran, and all we're doing is a few sortie bombings - no troops on the ground - over Isis strongholds and the use of drones to kill al-Qaida leaders instead of capturing them to get information from them. We're releasing terrorists from Gitmo, so Obama can close Gitmo instead of using the facility as it was meant to be.

I am so concerned and frightened that we'll have a terrorist attack here on U.S. soil like the one in Paris, France before Obama wakes up and acts like the leader he should be. It seems like his attitude is, "If I ignore these happenings, they'll go away." He's Commander in Chief and his firsst priority is to protect the American people and one of these days the American people will pay the ultimate price for his indifference. We are at "war" with these radical Islamic terrorists and he can't even call them by their name let alone put forth strategies to show force against their deadly acts.

The U.S. and the world is in trouble and Obama is "fiddling."

Judy Olsen


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