
Awareness of drug problem important

I appreciate your series on "Heroin in the Suburbs" and most especially the courage of Patty and Kent Perry, their daughter Tracy and granddaughters, Jaida, Mikayla and Nevah for sharing their fears and struggles with addiction.

Also, Jon Dennison, first in your series, who was so candid about his efforts in staying clean.

I work on a Substance Abuse Unit and applaud your efforts in raising community awareness about addiction and the heroin epidemic. Few understand the painful disease, many are misunderstood, as the disease defies logic.

I emphasize to patients and families that addiction is not a disgrace (although the stigma is very real today). Addiction feeds on isolation and shame. I see no other way to get out of the chains of addiction but to ask for help. There is hope. Many people do flourish in recovery. By following recommendations and accepting their powerlessness, people with addiction recover.

I would hope that your series helps those who need help. People with addiction and their families will hopefully come out of the shadows. There are so many people who want to be of service and help those who are suffering.

Sandra Janowski

Des Plaines