
Find the spirit of Santa within ourselves

Dear Santa,

Back in 1960, I cried when my third-grade teacher pulled six of us aside and told us there was no Santa Claus. It was a devastating heartbreak I can still picture today. Many children believe in you. Many grown-ups count on you to drive the economy at this time of the year.

There are the gifts, sure, the time off work and school, the family gatherings, the worshipping and prayers answered and unanswered. It's a crazy world out there. It always has been and it most likely will continue to be. Sibling rivalry, economic competition, religious and political bickering and on and on. This "invisible spirit" of warmth and comfort can become no more than a wish for some.

So let me ask you a very important question: If I cry or another cries for a positive, unselfish effort, does it bring you back to life? Can I propose to all men and women, regardless of their status, that each of us has the power, within ourselves to overcome sadness, greed and jealousy? Please, Santa, can you put me on the "good" list this year?

Randy F. Gollay

Buffalo Grove

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