
GOP should impeach Obama, secure borders

The GOP won the midterm election. Am I surprised? No. Most people are sick of big government meddling, corruption and tyranny so boldly pioneered by the Fabian socialist Democrats.

So will the Republicans finally do what the people want or do their usual "reach across the aisle" appeasement routine? Unfortunately, it will probably be the latter. The problem is both political parties are owned by the same masters, the globalist elite, and they're determined to destroy our republic.

Globalism is what drives the two party system and has been changing the American way of life for decades by diminishing our borders, language and culture. The middle class is the only significant force holding back the globalist neo-feudal Orwellian system, and it's clear neither party wants to secure our borders. In fact, the Chamber of Commerce votes Republican and supports open borders masquerading under "free trade."

Remember Ross Perot talking about NAFTA, GATT the WTO and "that sucking sound" back in the 1990s? That's the plethora of high-tech manufacturing, engineering and IT jobs that continue to migrate overseas or by immigrants taking these jobs in the U.S. on work visas because labor costs are considerably less.

The Republicans talk about their own immigration plan. What's that all about? Just secure the borders! But this won't happen. Instead, the "tyrant-in-chief" recently unloaded an executive order ultimately giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. So what should the GOP mandate be? Try saving the republic and impeach President Obama! If Clinton could be impeached for perjury, relieving Obama should be a cakewalk since he's been doing all sorts of nefarious things for the past six years.

Amnesty is where the republicans must draw the line. If they don't, the GOP is finished as a party and we are finished as a nation.

George W. Hoeltje


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