
Question rants on politicans' wealth

Question rants on politicans' wealth

Well, I see the Democrats are at it again. The timeworn class warfare show.

So Bruce Rauner is worth millions of dollars. To quote a well known politician, "What difference does it make?" Who cares how much someone else has or makes, as long as is made honestly.

Remember when Harry Reid stood on the floor of the Senate and said that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes for 10 years? Of course, his accounting firm came out and said that wasn't true.

This is all designed to stir up resentment because someone has more than you do. Then Nancy Pelosi said that if Harry Reid said it, it had to be true. No mention that Harry Reid is worth between $5 and $7 million And Nancy is worth $100 million, mostly from her husband's construction company. And yes, that is one of those evil corporations. You know, the 1 percent.

And let us not forget all the rants recently from Harry Reid about the Koch brothers. Yes they have contributed over $30 million to conservative causes (and Mr. Reid calls that un-American). Never mind that there are 58 others that give more than the Koch brothers many of them liberal groups and unions.

So the next time someone says something about some other politician wealth, just ask yourself, is it because they don't have any thing constructive to say about their time in office? Like Pat Quinn.

Roger Dauchy


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