
Endorsements back obstructionist GOP

The Daily Herald endorsements of GOP Hultgren and Dold for U.S. Congress make it pretty clear they are happy to continue the obstruction in Congress.

The GOP-dominated Congress has been the least productive and most partisan than any in history, and the Daily Herald just endorsed more of that.

There is no equal blame to pass around. The obstruction is fueled by the do-nothing GOP. Voters who study the issues will understand that a vote for more GOP in Congress is a vote against the Medicare guarantee, against equal pay for women, against immigration reform, against firearm background checks, against a minimum wage hike, against health care for all, against marriage equality, and against public education.

That's why they will go down in history as the Party of No.

And guess who brought on the Great Depression of 2008? Yep, wild GOP spending, corporate welfare, and gutting of the middle class.

Vote Dennis Anderson, Dist. 14, and Brad Schneider, Dist. 10, for U.S. Congress and give the working class a fighting chance.

Dennis McSherry

Fox Lake