
Fox News goal: smear Obama daily

Fox News goal: smear Obama daily

Roger Ailes and the GOP talking heads at Fox News first tried to delegitimize Obama labeling him from Kenya, a Muslim and socialist without a birth certificate. Then they tried to discredit Obama by blaming him for the Bush fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq, the financial meltdown in 2008, the resulting unemployment, foreclosures, the bank bailouts and TARP.

Next they lied about Todd-Frank and Obamacare, claiming that big government would jeopardize our economy instead of reigning in Wall Street and providing 11 million people with affordable health care.

Finally, they refused to consider immigration reform, equal pay for women, raising the minimum wage, investing in infrastructure or allowing Obama to fill important administration positions.

Now, Fox News has resorted to criticizing Obama's salute and wearing a tan suit. Of course, they can't resist objecting to his wife advocating exercise and healthier food for children in school. Next, Fox will find a way to blame Obama for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. And, we still have 2 more years remaining for Fox commentators to trash Obama and try to destroy his presidency.

It is too bad that Fox News is either unwilling or incapable of truthful reporting and insightful commentary about Obama. Instead, they continue to carry the water for the right-wingers in the GOP. Got to keep Roger happy by criticizing the president every day.

Tom Minnerick


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