
GOP rejects all Obama remedies

GOP rejects all Obama remedies

In a small article in The Tribune on Sept. 4, there is more evidence that the rich are getting richer while the rest of us are falling further behind. The median income for the top 10 percent wealthiest rose 2 percent while the median income for all families declined 5 percent.

These numbers reflect changes from 2010 to 2013 or after we suffered through the Great Recession.

These statistics serve to support the calls by Democrats for a livable minimum wage, equal pay for women and a much fairer tax code. But, of course, the Republicans have repeatedly rejected the president's efforts to pursue these goals in Congress.

So, while income disparity increases, the GOP refuses to consider the obvious remedies because they originate from Obama and might hurt the wealthy benefactors.

We need to elect politicians that will reverse this trend so that average American families benefit from the recovery and not just the GOP supporters at the top of the income scale.

Tom Minnerick


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