
Bring your poetry to Second Saturday workshops

The Northwest Cultural Council announces a Second Saturday Poetry Workshop, which will be held from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Aug. 9, led by Virginia Bell. Saturday's topic will be "Same Language Translation."

In this workshop, explore the art of translating poetry from English-to-English. Same language translation is a revelatory approach to reading and appreciating poetry, but can also lead to the production of new poems.

Some examples include Harryette Mullen's "Dim Lady," a loose translation of William Shakespeare's "Sonnet 130," and Paul Legault's collection The Emily Dickinson Reader. Bring typed copies of original poems to share, not more than one-two pages in length.

Virginia Bell is the author of "From the Belly," (Sibling Rivalry Press 2012). Her poetry is also forthcoming in Gargoyle and Cider Press Review, and has appeared in Spoon River Poetry Review, Cloudbank, CALYX, Poet Lore, Pebble Lake Review, Wicked Alice, Ekphrasis, and other journals, as well as in the anthologies "The Burden of Light: Poems on Illness and Loss," "Brute Neighbors: Urban Nature Poetry, Prose and Photography," and "A Writers' Congress: Chicago Poets on Barack Obama's Inauguration."

Bell is an adjunct professor of English at Loyola University Chicago and a senior editor with RHINO Poetry.

Participants are encouraged to bring 15 copies of their own work to share with the group. Workshops take place at the Palatine Public Library, 700 N. North Court, Palatine, the second Saturday of each month. All poets and writers are invited to attend the workshop.

The cost is $15. To R.S.V.P. or for information, call the gallery at (847) 991-7966 or email at

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