
Authorities should enforce law on Wooster

The Wooster Lake Conservation & Control Association Inc. has been sued in a Lake County circuit court, sued by certain Wooster Lake owners, for accusations of misrepresentation, fraud, and a long laundry list of violations of state law.

The suit centered around the association's unsigned but recorded Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Despite reading some letters to the editor about how right these rules of Wooster Lake are, the WLCCA lost on June 19 as not a single person showed up to defend the association in court. Nobody.

I wrote a letter to the editor last summer about how yet another boater alleged to the Lake County Sheriff's Department that association covenants were being violated by personal watercraft users and tubers, forcing the sheriff's department to again dispatch law enforcement officers to Wooster. This, while the sheriff's department does not enforce association covenants.

It's been an ongoing waste of taxpayer resources being used for a personal agenda. According to lawsuit 13SC5244, a Lake County Board member in 2005-2006 went as far as to deal for the adoption of a local government ordinance to reinforce the WLCCA declarations, a document alleged in the suit to be fraudulently recorded at Lake County Recorder of Deeds.

The legal complaint also alleged the local government ordinance itself was also prohibited by state law (65 ILCS 5/11-13-1) at the time it was adopted.

Now that a Lake County judge has ruled in a court of law against the WLCCA, maybe the sheriff's department and state's attorney will begin to hold accountable those individuals who misuse taxpayer resources to further their personal agenda under false pretenses.

Tom Holmes

Indian Creek