
Time for U.S. to mind own business

Lately I hear things like "G.W. Bush was a good president" and he would know how to take care of ISIS. Well, it was his policies that created ISIS.

The biggest mistake ever made by the United States was to invade Iraq and execute Saddam Hussein. The hatred of the U.S. today by a large portion of the world can be directly related to the Bush Administration.

That ignorant mentality still exists with the making of the movie, "The Interview."

How would we like it if, say, Russia made a movie with a look-alike President Obama and a plot to kill him? Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. It is a stupid dangerous thing to do.

Then we blame North Korea, without any real proof, for cyber-attacking Sony.

Now our FBI is saying it wasn't North Korea after we shut down their Internet.

Does anyone realize what a dangerous government is in control of North Korea? They have nuclear weapons and they have missiles that can reach Japan.

Eventually every country that hates us will get atomic weapons. It is inevitable. We better start minding our own business and let Israel fight its own battles. They are very strong militarily; we made sure of that.

Ted Pacut


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