
Different view of what's unpatriotic

Mark Anderson's recent letter has me scratching my head. After stripping away the usual liberal name calling and hate speech there isn't a lot left. Apparently calling awareness to any issue that "challenges the security, sovereignty or domestic tranquillity of our beloved nation" is unpatriotic.

I'm sure similar conversations were held in loyalists homes in the American colonies during the mid-1770s when referring to the Founding Fathers. People tend to forget that those Founding Fathers left us with tools to stand up to oppressive big governments such as we have today.

Mr. Anderson takes exception with Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Jeff Sessions. Sorry, they were elected to stand up to those who were in the majority at the time, by those who were sick of the status quo. So they were just doing what they were elected to do.

As for shutting down the government, it takes two to tango. The Obama administration and their minions refused to negotiate. As a matter of fact, they went out of their way to make the government shutdown as painful as possible. For example, spending more money to keep our veterans away from the WW II memorial than would have been spent to keep it open. Talk about unpatriotic.

Mr. Anderson also seems to forget that the last election redefined the mainstream. People were sick of the way things were going and swept the former "mainstream" politicians out of office. I guess they got sick and tired of our tax money being misused; such as, being given to illegal aliens instead of helping our veterans. Now that is unpatriotic.

Terry Tallian

Wood Dale

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