
Let’s pay our politicians last

When I was growing up, I read that the government was going to go broke with all of the reckless spending that was going on, and now Detroit proved the skeptics right!

At that time I also read about a doctor who said that the medical profession was spreading diseases instead of curing them. At the time he was considered a lunatic, but he proved himself correct with his sterilization methods. His name was Pasteur. At that time doctors would go from patient to patient without washing themselves not knowing that they were contaminating other patients. Today hospitals are sterile and go to extreme limits to keep the facilities clean.

Putting those two ideas together I came up with the idea that politicians need to be held responsible for their acts and be held accountable. What I mean is that politicians need to be held accountable for the spending that they authorize, and should pay for any excess expenditure out of their own salaries. Sounds like a crazy idea? Well, it has been done, and it works. There is a government that does not have any debt and by its law the politicians have to make up any deficit or they do not get paid.

Illinois politicians have used their office to pay favors for “their party”. The Illinois politicians have been following the fake doctrine of “If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough, people will believe it is true!” For years they have been passing the bills down to the next generation to pay instead of dealing with it themselves.

Bruce Rauner is running for governor with the idea that all politicians should be kicked out of office after eight years, and I agree with term limits.

I believe that the better solution would be to teach the politicians how to correct their errors and run government on a sound fiscal basis. It would mean that the politicians would have to rethink their policies, and put fiscal responsibility first.

Doctors have a creed, “Do no harm.” I think that politicians should have

a similar creed like, “Politicians get paid last.”

Reinhardt Steinbart


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