
Gun range bad idea for Bloomingdale

Gun range bad idea for Bloomingdale

Julian Perez wants to build a shooting range in the empty Abbott building on Circle just north of Lake Street in Bloomingdale. To do this he has to get approval on several code variances in a building that has many in place already.

The building on the south is right on the property line and was put up with no manufacturing in mind but was added later. On the west it is out of code with distance to the street. On the east the parking lot extends to a flood plain and would only hold 55 cars. It would have to be doubled in size to accommodate the planned usage of the building.

On the north the driveway is bordered by Spring Creek, which is a wildlife passage way between forest preserves. The driveway would have to be made wider by seven feet toward the creek and a whole bunch of trees removed, impacting wildlife the creek and the homes to the north which are less than 100 feet from the building.

This would have a negative impact on the whole community. Not far away are two schools, a rec center, swimming pool and athletic field. The safety of the children walking past this facility with strangers being drawn to the facility coming from all over puts them at additional risk.

I have visited two local ranges, and have found 60 to 80 cars parked there at mid afternoon. I could hear gun shots and exhaust blowers more than 250 feet away. My house and others are less than 125 feet from the facility, which will operate 12 hours a day. This will lower our property values, add traffic, air and noise pollution and mean a loss of privacy. It belongs in an industrial park not in a residential area.

Richard J. Turek


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