
Is the ‘hammer’ all we can trust?

Is the ‘hammer’ all we can trust?

The Daily Herald ran an AP article, “In God we trust, maybe, but not each other.” Reportedly, sociologists are alarmed because of the consequences this pervasive lack of trust will have. More recently, the Herald’s series on Firearms Owners Identification cards stated the police want to link them to state driver’s licenses; voila, one of the consequences of mistrust. But who has the greater burden to prove trustworthiness?

Federal law prohibits a Federal Firearms Registry. Incidentally, I logged into the Social Security website. While there, I was shocked to learn that they had my driver’s license and automobile information. This means the state’s drivers database is linked already to Social Security. If FOID information is linked to the state’s drivers database, Social Security will, in effect, have a Federal Firearms Registry, but which flies under the radar.

Individuals have only a little power; the government is a sledgehammer. Mr. Snowden has shown us, once again, the extent of government trustworthiness — the NSA action was likely unconstitutional, per Daily Herald report. Although the U.S. Constitution lists God-given “rights,” not “privileges,” the government frequently tries to negate them. Along with the three branches of government, the “right to bear arms” and the “freedom of the press” provide checks and balances to a government power grab.

Still, we are responsible for our beliefs and what we believe matters, for when society acts collectively on its beliefs, consequences result. A self-restrained, moral populace balanced against a restrained government generates the greatest trust, hence, freedom.

The AP article title suggests the solution — before we can trust one another, we must first trust God. Christmas celebrates the divine entering humanity to save us from ourselves, despite ourselves. If we can’t trust that, sadly, the “hammer,” is all we have left to trust in.

Brian Van Dine

Carol Stream

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