
Marriage about more than reproduction

I am intrigued by the view that marriage is about reproduction and so same-sex couples should be denied the right of marriage because they cannot reproduce in the natural way. Many heterosexual people also cannot reproduce in the natural way from a variety of reasons such as natural imperfections in their reproductive parts or natural sexual inversion, where a person is male with two X chromosomes or female with an X and a Y chromosome. Then some people simply choose to not reproduce for personal reasons.

If marriage is about reproduction, then shouldn’t all of these people be denied the right to marriage? Should reproduction be made a legal requisite of marriage as it was in biblical times? How is it logical to say that some people who cannot or choose not to reproduce should be allowed to marry while others should not? Is reproduction and sex the only basis upon which a marriage can exist?

I think most intelligent people will say that there is something much more important to a marriage than just sex and babies. Is that component that is more important something that cannot exist among two same-sex people? How can it logically be said that it cannot? Simply quoting Bible verses or stating unproven belief is not logical argument. Logic is something beyond that.

Richard Lorimer


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