
GOP has no social conscience

GOP has no social conscience

Prior to the period from Ronald Reagan until recently, the GOP stood for financial conservatism with a social conscience. It has slowly morphed into something much different.

The truth of this change is evident in their leadership’s actions. None have challenged the bank’s predatory lending practices as they relate to universities and their partnership in fleecing the already debt overloaded college student.

Yet a group of Democrats, Senator Durbin included, stand alone challenging the cabal of universities and banks who have contracted to supply, to students, credit cards with high user fees, hidden transaction costs and insufficient consumer protections. Predatory banks, and the universities that profit from ill-begot contracts with the banks, now further prey upon students, already laden with the exorbitant costs of subsidizing the glut of America’s educational hierarchy.

What has the GOP become? Add to their draconian slashing of funds from the food for the hungry, SNAP program, in the recent farm bill, and the constant drone of chest-beating and lip-flapping in attempts to destroy the Affordable Healthcare Act, a clear picture of the party becomes evident. Attempting to appear a champion of the helpless, the party claims the “right to life” issue as being a GOP issue. In light of their contrary positions on other issues relating to the poor and helpless, this claim seems disingenuous at best.

Surely, there are those in the GOP who disagree with its lack of social conscience. However, it seems that the majority have redefined the term “conservative” to mean, “Conserve all for me and none for others.” Their actions make their oft-boasted claim of being titans of Christian values, empty and pathetically false.

As Pope Frances has indicated, we should think first of the person and then the party planks.

Gail Talbot


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