
Outrage at Paula Deen is misplaced

Outrage at Paula Deen is misplaced

Recently Paula Deen lost her job because sometime in the past she used the N word and spoke of hiring black men as waiters at a function, etc. Paula Deen has not committed a crime. Nothing she has said or done is serious enough for this strong reaction. Several people in authority have said offensive things about one group or another and nothing has happened to them.

Where is the outrage when our own government under this present administration has called Christians in the military terrorists while bending over backward not to offend the real terrorists who kill people? (Remember the Fort Hood massacre? This is still called “workplace violence” rather than the terrorism it was, robbing the victims and their families of their proper compensation.)

So there is outage over what Paula Deen said or has done, but not enough people are upset by the calling of Christians in the military “terrorists” in an attempt to prevent them from sharing their faith or even identifying themselves as Christians.

And this is happening in America. Something is very wrong here.

Marilyn Laub


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