
Dist. 15 continues summer breakfast program

Palatine Township Elementary District 15 is continuing its popular summer breakfast program for the fourth consecutive year. It’s part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program, which requires any school building with free and reduced-price lunch participation of 50 percent or more holding summer programs to offer at least one free meal per day.

Last year, District 15 served nearly 8,500 meals through the program, which is federally funded and open to the public. This year, the service will be offered at Conyers Learning Academy, Winston Campus, Kimball Hill and Sanborn. Breakfasts will be served Monday through Thursday, except July 4, to any community member 18 years and under, regardless of income.

The district’s School Nutrition Services also is serving certain students breakfast at Lincoln, Paddock and the Northeast Palatine Summer Camp at Falcon Park. For more information, call (847) 963-3929.

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