
The selective Republican memory

The selective Republican memory

What does it take to be a mainline conservative Republican?

1. You have to believe in a world that “used” to be but never was. A world where the help stayed out of sight, minorities knew their place and there was no poverty, disease or homelessness. Have a selective memory.

2. Social Darwinism: You are well off because God wants it that way and the poor and needy are there for the same reason.

3. Charity: Not your problem. Being needy is an act of God and it is up to Him to fix it. You’re on your own. If Jesus was a Republican his sermon on the mount would sound more like, “Your poverty disgusts me, get a job.: With our brand of capitalism, you use people to balance the bottom line. A dollar is worth more than a person trying to feed their family.

4. Politics: If it isn’t your idea then it is a bad idea even if you were for it when it was your idea. Otherwise do everything to sabotage any efforts by the “other side.” In any case keep to the script.

5. Balancing the budget: Save money by taking it from the sick, old, disabled, and very young. But if you have to, invade another country at the cost of trillions of dollars (for their own good).

6. Treatment of Women: Do everything you can to bring us back to the 1950s and before when a women’s place in society was to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Make it as difficult as possible to obtain specific medical care.

7. Minorities: Woo them with words but do the contrary. The “new” Republican Party is the same as the old one except they speak differently. Watch what they do, it’s the reality of it.

Raleigh Sutton


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