
Endorsements: Barbini, Knight, Meyer for Wauconda village board

Two slates of three candidates each are in line for three Wauconda trustee seats. The village government is high functioning with little controversy and a strong record of successes. Board member John Barbini wins marks for his focus on long-range goals and the village's new strategic plan. He demonstrates knowledge about village functions and has a background in education administration. Two-term incumbent Lincoln Knight, whose occupation is in sales, is personable and collaborative and has worked for better communication with residents. A third slate member, Wade Meyer, president of a payroll company, offers the board the benefit of his many contacts through deep ties to the local Chamber of Commerce and other community groups. He touts fresh ideas and wants to further the role of a new alliance involving local schools, including College of Lake County, that offer programs businesses can plug into. The three challengers — Teri Burke, Chuck McEwen and Manuelita Vargas — see great potential in the village, but in general they do not make a strong case for the changes they propose. In addition, we are concerned that candidates on both slates shared some answers word for word on their Daily Herald surveys, and we urge a greater display of independence. We endorse Knight and Barbini as they would keep Wauconda's progress on many fronts on the upswing, and Meyer for his eagerness to be involved as well as his innovative ideas.

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