
Attacking definition of marriage

Attacking definition of marriage

Strong marriages are the foundation of strong families and together they are the building blocks on which our society finds purpose, meaning, security and fulfillment. What makes a strong marriage is simple — a father and a mother who embrace and live daily lives of sacrificial love.

We have overly complicated the problems we have in society by continuing to chase after solutions that are only treating the symptoms of failed marriages and the failed families they have produced. Much like taking pain killers to mask the pain of a broken bone, the injury will never heal without treating it directly, nurturing it, and returning it to the way it was intended by our creator to function, we must turn our attention to solutions that strengthen marriages and families.

We must ask ourselves one simple question for every action we take; will this help mothers and fathers in marriage to live out more fully sacrificial love and embrace the blessings of children who will learn from their selfless example?

Why would our government officials be spending so much time working on legislation that would attack the very definition of marriage?

Dave Philipps


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