
Socialism will lead to communism

Socialism will lead to communism

It would appear that politicians and voters generally never bother or care reviewing the past disastrous end results other countries experienced by over taxing to solve problems. Just why don’t we buy into the fact history is a learning tool?

Our lavish government spending schemes at the local and federal level will eventually get us buried into endless and unacceptable job killing taxation as it once did for other world economies.

Somehow, we all have forgotten the words of Karl Marx the father of communism: “The easiest way to kill capitalism is by taxes, taxes and more taxes.”

Khrushchev, a later day adherent of communism, said this: “We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to communism but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly find out they have communism,”

Walter Santi


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