
More bike paths for Elgin’s safety, health

Elgin is not as bike-friendly as a cyclist would like for it to be. More bike lanes need to be added for safely commuting throughout the city, to help attract more visitors and bond communities through a common exercise.

Commuters tend to have a hard time riding through Elgin, because it is not a guarantee that all streets have sidewalks, or somewhere to ride safely. It is difficult to feel safe while trying to avoid angry drivers on the road. Also, in adding more bike lanes, visitors can ride over and venture throughout the city and see what it has to offer.

Elgin is a beautiful place to ride through and it can be difficult to appreciate it if one plans on driving through it. Adding bike lanes will promote bonding through a common exercise that everyone can enjoy. Not only will it promote bonding, but it also can improve the overall health of its residents and reduce pollution in the air.

Jessica Bahena


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