
Obama has no business in Myanmar

Barack Obama went to Myanmar to admonish those in charge indicating, “The work of ensuring and protecting freedom is just begun.” This quote was taken from your Nov. 19 edition on Page 5.

Why does he wish to “protect” freedom in other countries, while destroying our freedom in the USA?

Another quote from your paper is even better. “Instead of being stifled, the veil of media censorship must continue to be lifted.”

Media censorship regarding vital news, and exposing the socialist in the Oval Office is endless over here.

The hypocrisy of Obama is always apparent in his addresses.

Now for another quote: “The United States would extend a hand if those nations that ruled in fear unclenched their fists.”

Does that mean more of our taxpayer money being sent to other countries?

He should not even be traveling, and wasting our money on his excursions.

Let’s see what happens in the future to the latest countries that Obama is taking an interest in, while our country is falling apart because of his policies.

Therese Battaglia

South Elgin

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