
Will Vatican ever OK gay marriage?

Well, the Vatican has come out against gay and lesbian marriage as unnatural. Gays and lesbians have had unions long before there was a Vatican and it flies in the face of reality to deny the obvious. Isn’t it more important to have a loving, supportive home than not? Many gay and lesbian unions have children and support them as well as or better than a “traditional” family. The children don’t seem to have a problem with this.

The Church demands celibacy of their priests and nuns. They demand a denial of their own sexuality and not having ever been married cannot possibly offer advice to people who are. Advice by hearsay is useless. Not being married is unnatural. All the pedophiles the Church hid for years are unnatural.

Will the Church ever come around to accepting the obvious? There is hope as it only took 500 years to forgive Galileo for saying that the earth revolved around the sun. God Bless dogma.

Raleigh Sutton


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