
Endorsement was disappointing

How disappointed I was in your choice. Yes, there’s a stumbling economy, foreboding debt crisis, gridlocked government and unstable world. How is it I differ with your conclusion, to give the ball to Mitt Romney? I heard him say he will increase the defense budget, not expect any more money from the rich, repeal the Affordable Care Act and fight for pro-life issues. The environment get little press from either party. Privatizing Social Security with an unstable world market is not a solution. And, Romney vacillates. He does look presidential, well polished, having corporate appeal. He will say anything that will get him votes.

In my mind President Obama is the better man. He fights for what I believe. He won’t increase the defense budget, he wants to help educate people providing skills to put them into the workforce; he gives tax credits to companies who do not send jobs overseas; he fights for children and early childhood programs, for woman’s choice and for gays to marry and for health care.

I believe that as a nation we have a responsibility to help each other. I am a liberal. I don’t have a lot of money. I work two part-time jobs. My children are responsible people who are not greedy but work hard and provide for their families. No one earns $250,000, and if we did we would be willing to give more of our earnings to help the less fortunate.

I counted seven people on the editorial board. I’d like to know, was it unanimous? Do you all agree that Romney is the better choice?

Sandy Janowski

Des Plaines

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