
Can Romney live up to commitments?

Can Romney live up to commitments?

Everyone, please look at Romney’s website that describes his tax plans —

I see a plan to cut individual and corporate taxes. The Tax Policy Center has analyzed these and concluded that over 10 years this would add $5 trillion to our national debt and will benefit primarily the rich.

In speeches, Romney denies that his tax plan would increase our national debt because he says it would be revenue-neutral and that he would do that by eliminating loop holes, deductions and exemptions.

Look again at his Web page. Do you see any mention about making these tax cuts revenue-neutral? Do you see any discussion about eliminating loop holes, deductions or exemptions?

In an Aug. 6 interview with Fortune, Romney said he would follow two key principles: First, that high-income people would continue to pay the same share of the tax burden that they do today. And second, that there would be a reduction in taxes paid by middle-income taxpayers.

But do you see these two key principles on his tax plan Web page?

So we are left with a contradiction between what Romney says and what he is willing to put in writing. Why?

Have you heard the adage “get it in writing”?

In one of his ads he said he will start cutting taxes on “day one.” Because he has committed to that in writing.

Will he live up to his commitments made in speeches? Commitments that are vague and vary? Commitments most economists say are either impossible to do or at least very difficult especially given the popularity of most of the big tax deductions and exemptions.

We must consider the possibility that we are being scammed.

Eugene Bordelon


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