
More gun laws not the answe

President Obama used the recent Aurora, Colo., theater massacre as a prop in pushing his big-government, liberal agenda. Once again Obama and Hollywood have shamefully demonstrated that they do not understand the problem. It’s the criminals, stupid.

Hollywood has stood by Obama and Bill Clinton since the Democratic convention. Let me say this: Selected for special attention for one of Clinton’s speeches was Tom Mauser, who lost his son Daniel at Columbine High School. Mauser is dedicated to removing guns from the streets and feels more gun control is the answer.

Tammy Duckworth, Bill Foster and Brad Schneider are Democrats running for Congress in Illinois (yes, “Own a gun, go to jail” Illinois). But what will be the fine for using a handgun when you have no license — community service?

Criminals will never change their behavior until our leaders change theirs. Passing more gun laws, removing guns from the street, and no concealed carry won’t help reduce crime. Obama, Duckworth, Foster and Schneider obviously don’t feel my pain.

Jerry KuhrtSchaumburg

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